One of the consequences of sin is addiction. Addiction is something that a person is psychologically and/or physically dependent on the use of drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, activities, or behaviors. When people are addicted to something before they become believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, many of them cannot stop their addiction immediately, but others are miraculously healed from their addiction. There are many Christians who struggle with alcohol, drugs, and pornography in the church today. They want to stop but they are too ashamed to admit it or get some help for fear that others will judge them. Maybe you know people are addicted to something, or you also may be struggling too. I know in the church that Linda and I go to have women addicted to alcohol. Interestingly, according to statistics, many women are alcoholics, just as much as men, but no one talks about it, so the problem continues in the church. Addiction is the number one source of shame in the church, but the church is supposed to be the place of healing. I used to have a friend who was a drug pusher, dealer, and user before he became a Christian. But when he became a Christian, he loved the Lord and had a passion to serve Him; however, his struggle with drugs kept him in guilt and shame.
So, how do we deal with addiction as Christians? First of all, God knows when we are addicted to something. We know when we are addicted to something when we cannot control our craving and easily give in to it, and it is becoming a hindrance to a healthy and godly lifestyle. If we are believers but are addicted to something, God still loves us, and He wants to heal us. However, we need to be vulnerable to get some help from others, such as professional help. We can share our struggles with our church leaders and be open about our struggles with Christian friends whom we can trust. We cannot fight our addiction with our own strength. We need God's strength and the body of believers to help us to go through it. Prayer alone will not help if we are not willing to open up with others. Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." God can give us the strength to admit our addiction and be vulnerable to others we trust to help us get out of addiction.
Addiction cannot be won by isolation or making up rules to follow on our own. We will keep on breaking them and this will lead us to frustration and despair. We need each other with God's strength to overcome it. Let us not allow our addiction to define us, but let the power of Christ Jesus, who works in us, define who we are. If you are addicted to something, pray and reach out to somebody to get help. There is always freedom in our Lord Jesus if we are willing to trust in His power and be willing to get help from others. There are places like Celebrate Recovery (Addictive Behavior), Pure Desires Ministries (Sexual Addiction), Christian Rehab centers (Alcohol and Drug Addiction), Christian Counseling, or sharing it with your pastor or church leaders to get help.
Ask yourself these questions for application: (Think through carefully, meditate on the questions while answering them, and let the Spirit of God speak to you.) Can I fight my addiction with my own strength? What can I do when I know I am addicted to something? What is the danger of keeping my addiction to myself?
Write down all the worries you face today and lift them up to God.
Father in Heaven, you know all my struggles. I admit that I cannot overcome my addiction by just praying alone or being by myself. Your church is a place of healing, and please give me the courage to admit my addiction and seek help. Please miraculously heal my addiction. Do not let shame and guilt rule my life, but please free me from my addiction so that you may be honored and glorified in me. In your name, Lord Jesus, I pray. Amen.