Psalm 94 is about rebuking the wicked with their understanding that God does not see or care about the evil things that they do against innocent people. The psalmist described their wickedness, "They crush your people, Lord, hurting those you claim as your own. They kill widows and foreigners and murder orphans (Psalm 94:5-6)." Many Christians in the world today are being persecuted because of their faith in our Lord Jesus. Certain countries criminalized the preaching of the Word of God and sharing the love of Christ. We have heard how Christian churches are being bombed by terrorist organizations. Christians are falsely accused and put in jail. The psalmist then challenged the claim of the wicked about God, "Think again, you fools! When will you finally catch on? Is he deaf—the one who made your ears? Is he blind—the one who formed your eyes? He punishes the nations—won't he also punish you? He knows everything—doesn't he also know what you are doing? The Lord knows people's thoughts; he knows they are worthless (Psalm 94:8-11)!"
Although God still allows the wicked to persecute the Christians today, God knows and sees the evil things that they do against Him. As Christians suffer, our Lord Jesus also suffers. However, the time is coming when God will bring judgment to all wickedness and make everything right. The reason God has not allowed to judge the wickedness in this world once and for all is because He is still giving the wicked people a chance to believe in the Lord Jesus for forgiveness and salvation. God understands that Christians suffer for the sake of the salvation of the wicked. In the meantime, God comforts us and encourages us to persevere in our persecution and suffering because when it is time for Him to bring complete judgment to all wicked people, we will enjoy His complete redemption in His very presence, but for the wicked, they will be thrown in the lake of fire forever, without any chance of escaping.
When we suffer, our Lord Jesus also suffers with us. Today, it seems that the wicked have no consequences for their evil deeds. Still, God sees and hears everything they do, and God will someday judge them if they do not believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Questions for application: (Think through these questions carefully, meditate on them while answering them, and let the Spirit of God speak to you.) Who will ultimately judge the wicked? Why has God not completely judged the wicked of this world? What does God want me to do while waiting for the day when he will completely judge the wicked?
Take a moment to write down all your worries today. Then, lift them up to God in prayer, surrendering them to His will and trusting in His guidance.
Dear Father in Heaven, you are aware of your children's suffering. I pray that you will help us persevere in the midst of persecution and suffering while we wait for your judgment on this earth. I pray that all wicked people, no matter what they have done, will believe in you and surrender their lives to you so that they will be saved and forgiven, just like what you did in the apostle Paul's life. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.