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Writer's pictureDanny Domingo


Although there is only one true God who created the heavens, the earth, and everything in them, many people believe in many gods. For those of us who only believe in one true God, describing our only true God can be difficult. We can describe Him as powerful since He created everything that exists. However, Psalm 89:14 describes our God's character. It says, "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you." As God rules the universe with His power and strength from His throne in Heaven, He rules with righteousness and justice. The word righteousness means without sin or corruption. Unlike the rulers of this earth, they are not perfect and susceptible to sin and corruption. But our God constantly rules without sin. As a result, He judges the world according to His righteousness. His holy and perfect character are the pillars of His rule. When He judges our wrongdoings and motives, He judges us according to His righteousness. But He rules over us through His love and faithfulness. He loves us unconditionally, and He is faithful to fulfill His wonderful perfect plan in our lives. 


Every time we sin against God, He disciplines us because He is a righteous judge. Our sins always have consequences, and if God does not discipline us, our hearts can be hardened by our sins, which can lead us to walk away from Him and destroy our lives. However, when He disciplines us, He disciplines us with His love and faithfulness, transforming us and restoring us to the right path. God's discipline is not to destroy us but to restore us and put us back on the right way of life. We have to understand that God rules our lives not to boss us around or take the joy of our lives, but He rules over us to take care of us. We are like sheep and He is the Shepherd that guides us to green pastures and water. God rules over us by guiding us to an abundant life. His path is based on His righteousness. 


So, let us not be afraid or concerned when we submit to our God's rulership. We submit to God as our King because He knows how to take care of us. Our God judges the world according to His righteousness, and He deals with us with love and faithfulness, so there is nothing to worry about when He is ruling over us. 


Questions for application: (Think through these questions carefully, meditate on them while answering them, and let the Spirit of God speak to you.) How do I describe God? Do I have any concerns and fears about God's rulership in my life? Why do I want God to rule over me?


Take a moment to write down all your worries today. Then, lift them up to God in prayer, surrendering them to His will and trusting in His guidance.



Dear Father in Heaven, I acknowledge that you are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. You reign with your power over the heavens and the earth with your righteousness and justice. And you deal with me as your child with your love and faithfulness. Thank you for ruling over me and taking care of me, for I am not able to manage my life without your guidance, protection, and provision. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. 


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