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Writer's pictureDanny Domingo


All around the world today, there is chaos. The Ukrainians have been fighting the Russians who tried to invade their entire land. The civil war in Myanmar (Burma) has displaced millions of people for over a decade now. Recently, the war in Israel against Hamas and Hezbollah has affected thousands of Israeli, Palestinian, and Lebanese civilian people. By God's grace, we are not experiencing war in the US, but we are becoming more and more divided by political ideologies. We have experienced Antifa and Pro-Hamas violent protests in the city and college campuses. Crime and drug overdose are caused by defunding the police and soft in prosecuting criminals in some states. The illegal migrant crisis in our southern border has affected so many lives all over the US. We just experienced Hurricane Helene, which affected thousands of people. The list of bad things that are happening in our country can go on and on. The only answer to everything that is going on around the world is our Lord Jesus. He is the only one who can change the hearts of people. Our God is the only one who can bring righteousness and peace to our land.


Psalm 85:9-13 says, "Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him, so our land will be filled with his glory. Unfailing love and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed! Truth springs up from the earth, and righteousness smiles down from heaven. Yes, the LORD pours down his blessings. Our land will yield its bountiful harvest. Righteousness goes as a herald before him, preparing the way for his steps." No matter what is going on around the world and in the US, as believers, we need to continue to put our faith in our Lord Jesus. Let us continue to live out our faith and be witnesses. Let us pray for the coming election for peace and integrity.


Our ultimate trust is always in our Lord Jesus, not in any political affiliations or governments. Only our Lord Jesus can bring peace and righteousness to our land. 


Questions for application: (Think through these questions carefully, meditate on them while answering them, and let the Spirit of God speak to you.) Who is the answer to all the chaos that is going on around the world today? Who can bring peace and righteousness to our land? Where does my ultimate trust truly lie?


Take a moment to write down all your worries today. Then, lift them up to God in prayer, surrendering them to His will and trusting in His guidance.



Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for reminding me this morning that you are the only one who can bring peace and righteousness to the world and the US. You are the only one who can change the hearts of people to do what is right before you. I pray for the coming election for peace and integrity. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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