All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching of the Word of God, fellowshipping with one another, breaking bread, which is the communion, and prayer. As they continued to grow in these things, they became united and were all filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. In addition, people sold their property and possessions so that they could meet the needs of others. They are constantly meeting at the temple courts, communing, eating together with gladness and sincere hearts, praising God, and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:42-47).
It is important to mention that the reason the believers continued to grow in their new life in Christ is that they kept themselves in knowing the Word of God through the apostles' teaching, joining the fellowship of believers for encouragement, having the communion to remember the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus, and praying as a group and individually. Similarly, we cannot grow in our relationship with the Lord if we do not read and study God's Word daily. The Word of God teaches us who God is in our lives and how we should live as believers. Many believers are deceived by the lies of Satan and evil spirits because they do not know the Bible. They do not have the desire to be close to God because they do not know God.
As believers, we need to know the Word of God, and we can study the Word of God in many ways. We can read and study the Word of God on our own, read the daily devotion, listen to the teaching online, go to the fellowship of believers that discuss and teach the Word of God, and go to church. The goal is to grow in our knowledge of the Word of God. If we are not growing in knowing God through the Word of God, we will not grow in our relationship with God, and we may drift away from Him and be deceived and led away by Satan and evil spirits. In the next devotion, we will talk about the importance of fellowship.
Ask yourself these questions for application: (Think through these questions carefully and meditate on them while answering them, and let the Spirit of God speaks to you). What did the believers devote themselves to when they believed in Jesus? Do I devote my time to knowing God through my Bible? What are the ways I do every day that I can know God through His Word?
Father in Heaven, thank you for reminding me today of the importance of knowing you through my Bible. Please help me to read and study Your Word. I need to know You more so that I will not be deceived and be secure in your truth. Please give me the hunger and thirst to know you through my Bible. In your name Jesus, I pray. Amen.