What is a Refugee?
What is a Refugee?
Love is Ministry is a non-profit organization that is passionately reaching out to the refugee community with the love of Christ. One of our goals is to help refugees to successfully integrate into the community and to become self-sufficient.
Love is Ministry is a non-profit organization that is passionately reaching out to the refugee community with the love of Christ. One of our goals is to help refugees to successfully integrate into the community and to become self-sufficient.
about US
about US
about US
about US
about US
about US
We are a faith based nonprofit organization that is passionately reaching out to the refugee community with the love of Christ and the wonderful message of the gospel. It is our goal to help the refugees to successfully integrate in the American society and to become self-sufficient by providing ministry programs in their communities.
We started our organization in 2009, and since then God has been using us to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of refugees. Today, we have two branches in the United States actively reaching out to the refugee community: Dallas, TX and Tampa FL.
We are a faith based nonprofit organization that is passionately reaching out to the refugee community with the love of Christ and the wonderful message of the gospel. It is our goal to help the refugees to successfully integrate in the American society and to become self-sufficient by providing ministry programs in their communities.
We started our organization in 2009, and since then God has been using us to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of refugees. Today, we have two branches in the United States actively reaching out to the refugee community: Dallas, TX and Tampa FL.
We are a faith based nonprofit organization that is passionately reaching out to the refugee community with the love of Christ and the wonderful message of the gospel. It is our goal to help the refugees to successfully integrate in the American society and to become self-sufficient by providing ministry programs in their communities.
We started our organization in 2009, and since then God has been using us to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of refugees. Today, we have two branches in the United States actively reaching out to the refugee community: Dallas, TX and Tampa FL.

Reaching the kids and youth through soccer league

Vickery Summer Soccer Volunteers
The Vickery summer league is one of the most anticipated kids and youth recreational league in Vickery Meadows. It is a unique league that allows kids and youth, from different parts of the world, to form their own teams to compete against each other.
Since 2008, we have been enjoying our own mini-world cup! It is exciting to watch different teams from different ethnic groups playing against each other. We have kids and youth from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Bhutan, Burma/Myanmar, Burundi, Congo, Ethiopia, Iraq, Liberia, Somalia, Sudan, and Tanzania. Once a year, all of them converge to play soccer.
It is our desire to share the love of Christ through our volunteers from the different churches and organizations in the community.

To create a fun, safe, and encouraging environment for the refugee and inner-city kids at Vickery Meadows to make a big impact in their lives.
Everyone is welcome to volunteer with us during the summer. Knowledge or experience of soccer is not necessary to volunteer. There are many ways that a volunteer can do without knowing soccer. Our summer soccer league is a seven Saturdays event, starting in the last week of June and ending in the second week of August of each year. A month prior to the starting date of our summer soccer league, volunteers can sign-up through our online form. Volunteers can sign up on which Saturdays they can serve with us.
Volunteer roles
• Enforcing basic soccer rules to avoid injuries and potential conflict.
• No offside, not strict on throw-ins, and watch for the dangerous high kicks.
• Have fun and get to know the kids!
Team Assistant
(No Experience Necessary for the 10-13 yrs old division)
• Handling substitutions.
• Encouraging good team dynamics.
• The goal is to establish relationships with the kids for mentoring and discipleship.
General Help
• Registration
• Managing/Distributing t-shirts
• Washing the t-shirts
• Setting up/Tearing down goals
• Setting up the drinks
• Picking up trash at the end
• Picking up/Dropping off the kids from Shiloh Apartment and Newport Landing Apartment.
• Drivers need to fill out the Northwest Van policy form.
• Drivers should only allow the required number of passengers in the van.
• One van to pick up the Shiloh boys
• Coordinate the first aid station
• Responsible for preparing the first aid kit
• If a player needs medical assistance, inform the main coordinator
Age brackets
First bracket: 7 - 9 yrs old
Second bracket: 10 - 11 yrs old
Third bracket: 12 - 14 yrs old
Fourth bracket: 15 - 18 yrs old
Dates: June 24 - July , 2023
Day: Every Saturday Morning
Time: 9 am - 12:30 pm
Location: Corner of Phoenix Drive and Holly Hill Drive, Dallas TX 75231